Birth to Five Years


At St Joseph’s we recognise parents as the first educators of their children. Little Joeys is about forming relationships with families to build foundations in early learning. Little Joeys is a structured learning environment that caters for children from birth - 5 years.  This program offers a range of age appropriate experiences where children learn through play. This is held in our Kindergarten room so that children have access to a wide range of engaging and enriching learning opportunities to stimulate their language, social, creative and physical and spiritual development.  

Little Joeys forms part of Catholic Education Tasmania (CET)  SET UP Program. The SET UP partnership with CET and St Joseph’s is a way to support children and families in the early childhood years.  Little Joeys operates on Fridays from 12.00 to 1.00pm. All families are invited to attend. 

Our Pre-Kinder program is conducted every Monday from 11:30 a.m. until 12:45pm in the Kindergarten room throughout Terms Two, Three and Four. This program is a wonderful, exciting and gentle introduction into our school environment. Children must be turning four in the current year to be eligible for our Pre-Kinder program. Children must be enrolled in this program to attend. Enrolment packages are available from the school office. Please call into the office or call us on 6473 1393 if you would like a package sent out.